Stephane Aviron Beaujolais Villages 2021
Stephane Aviron Beaujolais Villages 2021
Terroir: The Stéphane Aviron Beaujolais Villages is sourced from two of the best terroirs of the appellation, both with old vines averaging at least 50 years in age. The vines in the commune of Quincié have sandy, granite soils and the commune of Lantignié has clay and limestone soils with favorable southwest exposure.
Vinification: Whole clusters of grapes are fermented, and then macerated for six days to extract characters of fruit and finesse. The wine is aged in cement tanks to retain the purity of the fresh fruit. The wine shows great finesse, elegance and a very “easy drinking” nature.
The wines are high alcohol, but still very good balance between acidity and alcohol, creating harmonious wines. All the conditions for a great wine were met, resulting in a legendary vintage for Beaujolais. Stéphane Aviron aims for an easy drinking and fruit forwards style on this Beaujolais Villages. On the nose, there are abundant notes of macerated strawberries with hints of herbs. The acidity is bright with soft tannins with abundant red fruit on the palate.
Technical Details
- Appellation: Beaujolais Villages
- Winemaker: Stéphane Aviron
- Sustainability: Sustainable Practices
- Avg Vine Age: 65+ years
- Alcohol: 13.0%
- Sizes Available: 750ml
- Pack Size: 12/750ml
- Varietals: 100% Gamay
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